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EP2 Q&A – Wise use of Health Care Voucher (W3C Version)

Host Mike: In the last episode of “All about Health Care Voucher” we talked about the basic information of the Scheme
We wonder if elderly persons are conversant with the rules of using vouchers?
Host Mike: Please keep watching
In this episode of “All about Health Care Voucher”,
we have Athena, our Health Care Voucher Agent
who will visit the neighbourhood to see if people are familiar with the Scheme
and check if all of them are smart about using vouchers through a game
Host Mike: Let’s hurry up
and see how well they perform
(Health Care Voucher Agent Athena)
Health Care Voucher Agent: Hello, this is Athena
I believe everyone has heard of Health Care Voucher
but does everyone know how to use vouchers wisely?
I am going to invite people in the neighbourhood to take part in a “Health Care Voucher Quiz Challenge”
and see who can win our “Wise use of Health Care Voucher” award
After a series of interviews
we finally get some contestants to take our challenge
Today we have
Team of Grandmother and Grandson
and Team of Husband and Wife
Grandson: Of course
I always accompany my grandmother to see doctor by using vouchers
The game will be easy for me
(Team of Grandmother and Grandson)
Health Care Voucher Agent: What about you?
Husband: We are perfect couple
I am sure we can win the game together
(Team of Husband and Wife)
Health Care Voucher Agent: Good luck to you
(Can an elderly person authorise another person to use vouchers on his behalf to obtain medicine from a clinic with previous prescriptions?)
Health Care Voucher Agent: First question: An elderly person with reduced mobility
asks his grandson to take his identity card
to a familiar doctor and to use vouchers on his behalf to get medicine according to previous prescriptions
Is it acceptable?
Wife: I think it is acceptable
As a close family member
it is reasonable for the grandson to bring along his grandparent’s identity card to use vouchers
on behalf of his grandparent
Grandma: Of course not
If anyone can use vouchers on behalf of an elderly person by showing the elderly person’s identity card
then it is not secure
and should not be allowed
Health Care Voucher Agent: The answer is no
Elderly person should receive healthcare services in person
before they can use their vouchers to settle the relevant service fees
One point to Team of Grandmother and Grandson
(Vouchers can only be used after receiving healthcare services in person)
Health Care Voucher Agent: Second question: An elderly person would like to use vouchers to settle consultation fee
but a nurse of the clinic told him that there is administration fee on top for using vouchers
Is that okay?
(Will using Health Care Voucher affect the service fees being charged?)
Grandson: I think it is okay
I think it depends on whether administration fee will be charged by the clinic for using vouchers
Different clinics may have different practices
Husband: I know the answer
Using Health Care Voucher should not affect the service fees being charged
The charges should be the same whether vouchers are used or not
Charging a higher fee for using voucher is not allowed
Health Care Voucher Agent: Team of Husband and Wife is correct
Using Health Care Voucher should not affect the service fees being charged
(Using Health Care Voucher should not affect the service fees being charged)
Health Care Voucher Agent: Host Mike:ll create voucher accounts for elderly persons
and assist them to use vouchers free of charge
One point to Team of Husband and Wife
Great. Stage one passed
The game is a tie now
Let’s get into stage two for the final questions
This part is a quick answer race. Please press the bell as quickly as possible and explain the answer in details
Third question: An elderly person who receives physiotherapy service on a regular basis
would like to pay in advance for a course of physiotherapy treatment with 10 sessions
Is it allowed under the Scheme?
(Can vouchers be used for pre-paid healthcare services?)
Wife: One-off pre-payment is so convenient
Definitely yes
Grandma: It is certainly not allowed
Each session should be charged and settled individually
Grandson: Also, the Scheme encourages elderly persons to use vouchers based on their health needs
Health Care Voucher Agent: Grandmother of Team of Grandmother and Grandson is really smart
The answer is in the negative
Elderly persons should receive healthcare services in person before they can use their vouchers to settle the relevant service fees
Settling advance payment with vouchers is not allowed
(Vouchers cannot be used for pre-paid healthcare services.)
Health Care Voucher Agent: Last question, both teams should stay alert
Okay, which of the following answers is not an example of wise use of Health Care Voucher?
A: Check voucher balance before consultation
B: Use up all voucher balance by end of each year
C: Ask healthcare service providers for details about service and charges before consultation
D: Check information on the consent form before signing it
(Which of the following answers is not an example of wise use of Health Care Voucher?
A: Check voucher balance before consultation
B: Use up all voucher balance by end of each year
C: Ask healthcare service providers for details about service charges before consultation
D: Check information on the consent form before signing it)
Wife: I know. B is an example of using vouchers wisely
As using up all vouchers every year can avoid their getting wasted
Both C and D should be correct
We choose A
Health Care Voucher Agent: Final answer?
Husband: Yes…the answer is A
Health Care Voucher Agent: A is wrong
What about the other team?
Grandson: I know that Health Care Voucher Scheme encourages elderly persons to choose healthcare services that best suit their health needs
Vouchers should be used on a need basis
It is not supposed to be spent when it is not necessary
just to avoid “wasting” the vouchers
Otherwise, one might not have sufficient vouchers for use
as and when there is a genuine need to use them
The current accumulation limit of vouchers is $8,000
Elderly persons can keep their vouchers for flexible use
So B is not an example of wise use of vouchers
The answer should be B
Health Care Voucher Agent: The answer is B
This is the end of the game
Congratulations to Team of Grandma and Grandson for winning our “Health Care Voucher Quiz Challenge”
Here is the “Wise use of Health Care Voucher” award
Great! Hope that all elderly persons can get a better understanding about
using vouchers after this episode
See you in the next episode

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