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EP3 Role Model – Tips on using Health Care Voucher (English subtitle)

Host April: It has been reported that there is a “Heath Care Voucher Master”
Uncle Chan, who mastered the use of Health Care Voucher
Despite his old age, he is still very energetic
and knows the rules of using vouchers thoroughly
Host Mike: In this episode of “All about Health Care Voucher”,
we have Kimmie to invite this master
to share his knowledge with our seniors
Health Care Voucher Agent: Have you seen “Heath Care Voucher Master”?
Passer-by: He is up there
Health Care Voucher Agent: Thank you
(Heath Care Voucher Agent Kimmie)
Health Care Voucher Agent: He should be the master
Hello, are you Uncle Chan, the “Heath Care Voucher Master”?
(Heath Care Voucher Master, Uncle Chan)
Uncle Chan: You are too kind
I just happened to have some knowledge
You have a question for me?
Health Care Voucher Agent: We are from “All about Health Care Voucher”
We heard that
you have thorough understanding about the Health Care Voucher Scheme
and we would like to learn from you
Uncle Chan: I could not memorise the coverage and details of the scheme at the beginning
But I have developed my own mnemonic chant
which helps me to remember how to make good use of vouchers
Health Care Voucher Agent: Really?
Could you share more with us
Uncle Chan: With the “3-3-4” mnemonic chant for using vouchers,
we could all use vouchers wisely and at ease
Health Care Voucher Agent: Sounds great! What is it?
(3 Types of Healthcare Services, Preventive, Curative, Rehabilitative)
Uncle Chan: The first “3” is the 3 types of healthcare services
including preventive care, curative and rehabilitative services
We should make good use of vouchers
Even if you are not feeling sick
you could use vouchers for preventive health check
But remember that
vouchers cannot be used for inpatient services
Health Care Voucher Agent: Got it! What about the second “3”?
(3 Main Preparations, 1. Check voucher balance, 2.Search for Enrolled Healthcare Service providers, Website:, Hotline: 2838 2311, 3. Ask for details about the service and charging items)
Uncle Chan: The second “3” is the 3 main preparations
Firstly, before consultation
check your voucher balance through website or hotline
Search for enrolled healthcare service providers online
or directly look out for the Scheme Logo posted outside clinics
Thirdly, ask for details about the service and charging items beforehand
Health Care Voucher Agent: I am impressed
You are incredible
What about the last “4”?
Uncle Chan: No hurry
I have a health check appointment with Dr Wong
Let me tell you when we get there
Health Care Voucher Agent: Sure, let’s go
Uncle Chan: If you see this green Scheme Logo
it means Health Care Voucher can be used here
Let’s get in
Health Care Voucher Agent: Okay
Uncle Chan: Good morning
Nurse: Hi Uncle Chan
Dr Wong is seeing another patient
Please take a seat to wait for your turn
Uncle Chan: Okay
Aunty: Oh!
Why can’t I find it?
Uncle Chan: Hello, is there anything I can help?
Aunty: I have never used Health Care Voucher
I want to check my voucher balance
but I cannot find it
Uncle Chan: You need to have a voucher account created before you can check the balance
Please follow me to ask the nurse
to create a voucher account for you
Health Care Voucher Agent: So manly!
Uncle Chan: She would like to use Health Care Voucher for consultation
Nurse: Sure. Please present your identity card and insert it into this smart card reader
Then I can help to create a voucher account for you free of charge
Nurse 2: Uncle Chan, it is your turn to see Dr Wong
Uncle Chan: Let me see the doctor first
Health Care Voucher Agent: Okay
Nurse: I have already created a voucher account for you
and the relevant voucher amount is deposited into this account
After your consultation
I will explain to you on how to settle consultation fee with vouchers
Uncle Chan: It’s a quick checkup
Doctor said I am in good health and as strong as a lion
Health Care Voucher Agent: I can tell
Nurse: This is the service charge for today’s consultation
and it will be deducted from your voucher account
If you agree to use this amount
please sign on this consent form
Here is the Notice on Use of Health Care Voucher
for your record of the amount used and the remaining amount
Health Care Voucher Agent: What if the elderly person is illiterate
how can he/she sign on the consent form?
Nurse: In this situation, we will explain details on the consent form
in the presence of a witness
If the elderly person understands and agrees
the elderly person can put a mark or fingerprint on the form
and then, have the form signed by a witness
If nobody accompanies the elderly person for the consultation
he/she could ask clinic staff to be the witness
Uncle Chan: Remember to write down your contact number
for the Department of Health or clinic to get in touch with you when necessary
Health Care Voucher Agent: Understood
Uncle Chan: After all these, have you noticed what is the last “4”?
Health Care Voucher Agent: Of course
Firstly, present valid identity card
Secondly, receive services in person
Thirdly, check and confirm the amount used before signing the consent form
Lastly, properly keep the Notice on Use of Health Care Voucher
(4 important points in using vouchers, 1. Present valid identity card, 2. Receive services in person, 3. Check and confirm the amount used before signing consent form, 4. Properly keep the Notice on Use of Health Care Voucher)
Uncle Chan: You are smart
Health Care Voucher Agent: You are so kind
Uncle Chan, I have learnt a lot from you today
Let me present a scroll to you, “the Health Care Voucher Master”
You deserve it
Uncle Chan: Thank you. Everyone should also remember to make good use of Health Care Voucher

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